Our Students are Our Future
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We are a:
Small school with BIG opportunities...
Come and have a look your self. We offer private Parent Tours. Please contact
(08) 8388 9338 or email me: Wendy.Silvestri669@schools.sa.edu.au
In primary schools today, the scientists, environmentalists, artists, athletes and politicians of tomorrow are busy learning.
Today’s primary school age children will make our world a better place; they will make decisions and care for us. We have great confidence in the students at our school and we believe great schools impact positively on the future.
Because of this, the Macclesfield Primary School community works together to enable every young person to develop to their fullest potential, with a wide range of positive, innovative learning opportunities and experiences. We want students to access quality resources and programs as an outdoor learning space.
Macclesfield Primary School values respect, responsibility, caring, safety and success. We are committed to improving our students' learning outcomes in literacy, numeracy and science and we have a strong focus on community and the environment. The student voice is valued at Macclesfield.
We are an old school, which respects its history and embraces the future.
We invite you to come in to meet us all.
Catastrophic Fire Danger Days
Macclesfield Primary School will be closed on Code Red, Catastrophic Fire Danger days.
Parents will be notified by letter or by phone call the day before.