Grievance Process for Students

When someone is harassed they may feel:












If you have a problem or concern you could try to solve it by thinking:


What is the problem?

What do I want to happen?


On my own I could:

  1. Do nothing;
  2. Walk away;
  3. Laugh it off;
  4. Use an “I” statement;
  5. Tell them it is harassment and that they are breaking the school rules;
  6. Any other options you can think of.


If it didn’t work – ask someone to help.

Choose the best person to talk to:

  • The other person 
  • A friend 
  • Your teacher
  • Another school student 
  • The Principal 
  • A family member

If that doesn’t work, try another person or tell your parents and ask them to contact the school.

Talking to someone is the right way to work towards solving the problem.

Kid’s Help Line 1800 55 1800
Crisis Care 13 1611

We all have the right to be treated as worthwhile individuals.

We all have the right to feel and be safe.

We all must learn, understand and practise our grievance procedures.

ALL harassment is wrong.

It is NOT wanted – NOT welcomed – NOT to be tolerated.

Kinds of harassment

Includes putdowns, insults and name calling about being a boy or a girl that may upset you, make you feel embarrassed, uncomfortable or afraid. For example:

  • Touching or brushing up against you when you don’t want them to do so;
  • Calling you rude names, commenting on the size or shape of your body or making suggestive remarks;
  • Spreading rumours about you;
  • Leaving sexual comments or drawings where you will see or find them.

Includes putdowns, insults and name calling that picks on you because of your background or customs

Includes swearing, putdowns, insults or name calling that picks on your school work, your sport’s ability, your clothes, your appearance, your opinion, promises to bash or hurt you, or anything else that may upset you or make you feel embarrassed, afraid or uncomfortable.

Includes spitting, pushing, body language, exclusion from groups, eye contact, or sounds that pick on you, threaten you, upset you or make you feel embarrassed, uncomfortable or afraid.

They ALL harass you emotionally!

Grievance Procedures

You can control what happens. Following these simple steps will help you to make things better.

Don’t fight back with violence or rudeness.

Some problems or concerns are the result of harassment. Harassment is behaviour which is unwelcome and repeated. It may come from an individual or a group. It will make you feel uncomfortable, threatened or upset because of the way they treat you.

Students can raise general school matters at their class meeting or through SRC, and personal matters through their class teacher or any other member of staff.


  1. Raise the problem with someone you trust – class teacher, other member of staff or someone on your network (Protective Behaviours).
  2. If you are unhappy with what happens either speak to your contact again or to someone else.
  3. If this doesn’t work speak to the Principal.
  4. If this is unsuccessful, get your parents to contact the school.
  5. Students should persist until they receive help (Protective Behaviours)

If you find it difficult to approach teachers or the Principal in person try the following:

  1. Approach a School Council Member and ask them to act as an advocate; or
  2. Write a letter; or
  3. Make a phone call.